Monday, August 8, 2022

5th August Simone – Italian Team


5th August

Simone – Italian Team

Many times, like today, when I am out and about in the town where I live, I look around and see a lot of plastic bags on the ground. So these days I decided to start replacing the plastic bags with cloth bags. A few days ago my mum and I went to a store near our house that sells many items and we bought five cloth bags, so that, every time we go shopping, we can use these instead of plastic bags to help the environment. In one year it is estimated that about 5 billion plastic bags are used,  less than 1% is recycled. Plastic bags are thrown away or reused very few times, without thinking about the irreparable damage they cause to the ecosystem. Plastic shopping bags take more than 1,000 years to disappear from the planet. Plastic bags account for 80 percent of the plastic that pollutes seas and water flows. Forecasts say that at these rates of consumption and without widespread conscious choices, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050. In conclusion, cloth bags should be preferred, which are easy to use, collapsible and space-saving.

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