Monday, July 25, 2022

Turkish Team-Eliz Ada's toys..

First we cut the head of a colored sock long to use it as a body. Then we cut the closed part of the piece we cut vertically and sew the edges to make it leg shape. Then we stuff cottan inside and sew the sleeve part inwards to make the sleeves. With this process the baby's body part is finished. Then we cut the upper part of a white sock in the some way and put cotton inside and sew the bottom to make it round. To make the eyes we sew the two beads side by side on the white sock that we made the head. We also make the mouth with rope. At the en of the process sofar we have two different parts. Head and body. When we put these two pieces together the baby is complete. Finnaly, we cut the head of a different sock and make a beret for the baby


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